Heat/Cool Speedup Hotkey (Ctrl + Shift)

  • snowfire777
    19th Mar 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • pilojo
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yes infact they can. I've seen your work. It's not bad. But you constantly flame other people about being noobs while still being one. I think the main problem is ignorance. Don't think that what your doing may give you a bad reputation.

    edit: Moderators are people Simon can trust. Has nothing to do with geeky stuff. I make a mod, doesn't mean I'm a moderator.
  • snowfire777
    19th Mar 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • ClaymoreTF2
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Sorry Simon and mods
    you are a n00b.
    I agree with pilojo.
  • pilojo
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Never said I did. Now, stop rubbing your ass in everyone elses face like an ignorant 8 year old and grow the **** up. Just cause you act tough on the internet doesn't mean you win at life. And also, WHO CARES if you know how to make a logic gate? TPT isn't about logic gates. It's a powder simulator which means it's about anything you can do with the available elements. And having 30+ votes doesn't matter... What if the person doesn't post many things? So, shut up and stop being a noob.

    AntB doesn't like him. So don't appologize to him lol.
  • pegosh2
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Wow. A heated argument from a simple set of three words? I'll be mediator. Catelite isn't a noob. Snowfire isn't a noob. End of argument. Exeunt.
  • andrewdavidloftus
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    This is awesome!!!
  • pilojo
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    And yet you are completely wrong with Snowfire.
  • pegosh2
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    He isn't. I'll stand by that. But what argument do either of us have other that "Nu-uh!" and "Uh-huh!" any way? So make ammends will you?
  • pilojo
    19th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    He rubs his ass in everyones face if he does the slightest thing better and tells people they're noobs when really, he would do the same thing.