TheRazorsEdge "The Silly Governments", aka NATO can't mind their own businesses because civilians(labelled "terrorists"), armed only with small arms, are going up against anti aircraft guns, tanks, massive military arsenals, artillery guns, and air strikes. Ghadafi is murdering civilians and he won't stop until he is out of power or dead. If the rebels lose he will kill everyone he suspects to have been a rebel(or just who he feels like). And by that I mean millions(~6 million already live there). It would be a massacre rivaling the holocaust, except in one country. So THAT is why those "silly countries" aren't minding their own business.
The issue with nuking them is not just the fact millions of civilians would die but also china and i believe one other nuke possessing country have already condoned the military action against libya so nuking libya could quite easily start a chain reaction leading to a possible nuclear war, not exactly the best idea to be honest.