Could you convert the powdertoy Source to C++ for me??? i cant use c++ 2010 with the source i always get errors. LOL
Also on the mod an error comes up and ses Windows cannot find C:\Documents make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file go to the start menu then click search. WWHHYYY
@rmEXE First off, you didn't follow the wiki. C++ 2010 works fine. You did not set up the includes and requirements. Second, C:\Documents doesnt even EXIST. There are different things, but on windows 7 it is: C:\Users\\Documents\
then why did an error message show up saying it couldnot find C Documents and i am using windows XP where it is C:\Documents and settings. And the Wiki thing i will take another look at it Later. WHAT DID I DO WRONG WITH THE Speedy mod.... also one error in the c++ thing was to many instalizers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It works by lifting its importance upto a high level. This may crash other programs, though. Affinity to 999999? seriously, wtf. Affinity sets which processor should use(1 or 2 or 3 or 4) You set it to 9999999? Has anyone got so many processors?
I have no clue wat Affinity is and i moved the powdertoy directory to C:\ and the message still shows up AND i made a new folder on C:\. REDOWNLOADED THE FILE PUT IT IN C:\ and GUESS WAT......... WINDOWS CANNOT FIND C:\DOCUMENTS MAKE SURE YOU TYPED THE NAME CORRECTLY AND TRY AGAIN. blah bah blah........