Because simply, if we included everything regardless of quality, the game would be so slow that many people would be unable to play it. Even as it is presently, a lot of people aren't able to play Powder Toy feasibly because of the CPU it demands.
Lasers? Seriously, have you even played the game? o_O We have photon element that is more than effective.
The game is already slow enough in 2D. Do you think making it three dimensional, which would increase the game's demands by several fold, would make it any faster? Or even more fun to play?
Do you have any idea what the mechanics of moving solids are, or even why they haven't been coded in yet? There's nothing preventing any of these ideas from being added in, the issue is that they're so comically infeasible that no one can be bothered to. The rest of the elements that don't make it to official are no less cool, but we simply can't keep adding new elements. The game will only slow down more for each added element, so the priority of adding high-quality elements is not unfounded.
Stop complaining because you don't get it, we're not a bunch of lazy tards who just giggle about this stuff. People put some serious thought into this. :(
@Rock- This is a rare rant... Usually for the opposite. But here's the thing. The reason a majority of things on the "Do Not Suggest" list are there are because they are impossible to code without either completely redoing the engine and coding of TPT., or wasting space and time. I don't know anything about coding in C beyond what the wiki has said. So consider me a megaphone, as I'm just giving you the spiel that everyone gets.
But, honestly, here's a few tips. If anyone says "Too hard to code," check if they're a dev or made a mod. It's generally a good rule to guess they don't have any idea what they're taliing about. Anyone who wants to suggest an element, ought to do it in the mod threads, as they're likely to take more kindly to any suggestion than most. That's why that community is so great.
For the most part I would agree with you that people need to keep their strong opinions in check, especially when they have little merit. Too often I see "flaming," that is completely rude and unneeded.
There will always be slight condecending undertones with many of the users on this forum, as you'll notice, and probably already have in this post alone, moderator or not.
Edit: Although I know, because I read your post for its voice without assuming things, too many are going to think that you're an advocate of moving solids and lasers and all that jazz. (Catelite, Neospector) I get you're not complaining about the elements not being added as much as you're complaining about people simply not trying hard enough OR exploding when people suggest things already denied. HOWEVER, keep in mind that those who made this game, make it for free (essentially). They do a heck of an awesome job, with the new powdertoy as evidence. And cracker64 and Catelite have a point about new elements. Think of things like Warp and Invs. These are things that are kinda silly and unrealistic. However, they're there. So adding more elements like this would not only, probably, be pushing it, they can be done through the modding community if there is enough demand for it.
You could talk to any of the moderators in conversation too I'm sure. Or ask us on the IRC if you feel so strongly about it. These things are not arbitrary, the reason people get pissed is because they keep getting asked so many dozens of times.
@Finalflash50 I think Simon said something about an automated system that will auto lock threads with common topics such as "movable solid" or "magnet".
OMFG, someone actually has implemented that shit! Guess what happened, like... 1 fps and a 3 gig file. Fuck off. If you want it, then program it. People contribute to Powder Toy in their spare time, there is no profit, it's not their job. Moving solids would be a group project to implement.