I hate moderator only

  • Uberness
    12th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @edza101 (View Post)
    Moderators are here to help, not bully. Moderators get rid of bullies.
    If you keep it up, you'll be banned like Powdaman17.
  • edza101
    12th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    For what reason was he banned ( I'm being nice now )
  • Xenocide
    12th Apr 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    We're not really excluding people.

    The reason we have our own forum and IRC channel is so we can discuss things with each other such as bans, bad decisions, rule updates and other things with each other so we can help keep the site running smoothly.

    The Moderators competition is actually nothing to do with us, someone set it up for us, we may enter, we may not.

    Normally bans aren't meant to be discussed, but the reason for powdaman getting a 1 day ban is because theres Zero Tolerance on spam at the moment, his posts are considered spam under a couple of rules we have.


    Don't threaten people with bans and such. Its not your place to do so,
  • edza101
    12th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thankyou can you lock this
  • Xenocide
    12th Apr 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    No problem, if there's anything you want to discuss or double check, feel free to PM me or join us on the IRC channel.
Locked by antb: Ninja'd by Lockheed