Admiral-165, was that like your first post or something? you wrote a paragraph just to prove a point, and you could have wrote a simple sentence do give the same effect. im writing a paragraph because ill show you more than one little point, and also, theres a thing called freedom, and that lets you be able to correct a mod in his/her mistakes. coding the source for TPT is pretty easy, and i didnt have much knowledge of programming. (but i can make simple ones) lolzy, there is a tutorial for how to edit the TPT source code, and its pretty straight-up. take a look at it. i read it and made a source mod quite easily on my first try. just don't be intimidated by what it looks like and follow the tut on TPT wiki. that's how i got GLOW powder, and im working on some stickman mods. just try, and youll probably succeed. on-topic: put water on STKM's head, walk up to the fire and hold down. i know its not automatic, but it works well enough instead of having to edit the source code.
gamerboy8864 you call it easy, you need to reevaluate your opinion, an AI like that would be hard. so before you open your mouth, think about what you are going to say.
gamerboy. If you were to slow down and take notice of details rather than rushing them, you may have noticed that I own the wiki. I just wasn't sure if the tut had been updated to show how to make an element glow.
lolzy lolzy, i knew you owned the wiki. triclops200 i knew that aswell. triclops200 1. i understand an AI would be hard, look back at my post and youll see a very simple substitute. 2. you cant open your mouth on a forum, its all text.
Setting up code?? The code is already working. You are just downloading it and making VC++ to work with it.
And about extinguishing fires, you just have to check the closest proximity for fire, if found, check for water(or don't check for water and make it shoot water without a source)