You dont have to be devs to defeat n00bs "( not that you arn't (sarcasum(sarcasum(in brackets))))" its a FACT of the week. But sure your new so you are newbies to the game/group/people KK?
@rirozizo(View Post) Actually, The Powder Toy is open source. A large portion of regular users, whether they have contributed or not. Have seen The Powder Toy source and have a fairly effective working knowledge of the game. mniip has been part of the community for a while and he is right. stamps.def contains the names of all stamps in your stamps folder. Unless the name you give each stamp is 10 letters long, and you change it in the stamps.def folder then it won't work and it will break all saves after that one in stamps.def because TPT reads every ten characters. If you want to change that, you will have to compile the game with your own source fixing it, or get a developer to change that for you.