Never mind. I am sure it won't be hard to add.
Biological string theory? No, I was thinking having a "string" type that can be edited, which will give rise to various types of subatomic particles
Are you going to code the specific quanta or are you going to make an algortithm, I'd vote for the algorithm because it woun't be constrainted to our physics and it'll give so much more to add.
A bit of both, if I understand your question right.
I thought the string theory was biological. -_- Well I am studying it again, which will help me. Keep up the good ol' mod.
WTF. It's experimental quantum mechanics. I guess it does make the quarks that makes up to the atoms that make up the molecules that make up the organelles that make up the cells that make up the tissues that make the organ that make up the organism.
Did you read... I thought this was totally biological. Come to find out it's physics and biology. To clearify my previous comment. Unless you're responding back to what I thought about the String Theory, I did drop out of school. I plan on going back when, I get my schedule straightened out.