please, please update to the latest tpt and in config.h uncomment this line:
//#define IGNORE_UPDATES //uncomment this for mods, to not get any update notifications
and so it will look like this afterwards:
#define IGNORE_UPDATES //uncomment this for mods, to not get any update notifications
Good job on your mod though
Just sayin', although I am not sure if someone has already said this. The reason the min temeperature in normal tpt is -273*c, or 0 kelvins, is that in real life that is absolute zero - temperatures colder than that are not physically possible.
i guess it wasnt too long of a necro...
Wait, why did you make it go to -9999? That is FAR lower than is possible. -273.15 is the lowest it can ever go.
Sorry for jumping ship guys. I know I haven't been active, but if people want, I can pick this back up again probably in a month or so. I just played a copy of it I had and forgot how much I liked rubber crude and fumes.
So yeah. If a couple people say yes, I'll start again soon and update it and add some crap people want.
About the temps, I know. Believe me. I just made them have greater boundaries because sometimes you want things colder than they can be.
Please don't ban me for necroing my own thread
I'm actually glad you necroed, this sounds really interesting.
If this turns into a full fledged thing again, I'll reupload the source on my Dropbox. I don't know why I accidsntly deleted it. If I do reupload it, I think that it should be removed from github as it is under my name. Thanks.
Updating to the latest source tonight and will move the elements over. I request the project is removed from github.