The Science Toy

  • firefreak11
    27th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @Michael238 (View Post)

     I'll take a look at that as well and release it as 1.6

  • lshh
    29th Aug 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Wow. This is flippin amazing. I LOVE IT. well done!

  • firefreak11
    30th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @lshh (View Post)

     Thank you!

  • The-Fall
    1st Sep 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    This mod has not ceased to surprise me. Well done :)

  • firefreak11
    1st Sep 2015 Member 2 Permalink

    @The-Fall (View Post)

     Thanks :) unfortunately I am beginning another project soon for a class and I probably won't have enough time to work on this :( I won't abandon it though!

  • ChargedCreeper
    3rd Sep 2015 Member 1 Permalink


    @The-Fall (View Post)

     Thanks :) unfortunately I am beginning another project soon for a class and I probably won't have enough time to work on this :( I won't abandon it though!


    What kind of project out of curiosity? I'm taking a programming class in college (Intermediate Programming in C#). Also, who knows... maybe you'll accidentally come up with code useful for this project in the process of that one.

  • firefreak11
    4th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @ChargedCreeper (View Post)

     It is the honours thesis course, where the student spends a semester doing whatever they want as long as they can write a thesis about it, so I am going to be programming a game in Java about technology and scientific advancement, with an adventure theme to it. Something like Terraria. Good luck with your course!

  • ArmoreDragon
    6th Sep 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    The download is broken

  • TPTRules
    7th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @ArmoreDragon (View Post)

     True, the windows version doesn't work

  • firefreak11
    7th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @TPTRules (View Post)

     Broken how? It is probably a matter of missing .dll files. If you have visual studio installed it should work, otherwise download the specific ones the program complains about. To use it, either stick it in the same directory as the exe, or put it into system32 (32 bit windows) or sysWOW64 (64 bit windows), then open up cmd and type "regsvr32 <filename>.dll" to install it. You might need to reboot your pc after this.