Name: Mini Vehicle Set Price: 30 Description: Small Vehicles for your mini needs! Works great for displaying your vehicles in an RPG island. Seller: All Star 87 Quantity: 35
!Special! Buy 2 for 50!
I want to buy the High School Diploma
I also want to buy a logo from ADL inc. Make it nuke proof, have at least 1 gun, and Say All Star 87, and at least have black and blue. The rest is up to you
Name: Countdown Timer Price: 50 Description: A countdown timer! Now you can launch rockets! Careful though, NASA might get angry. PM me for it. Seller: A.D.L. Inc Quantity: 100
Name: Color Changing Block Price: 25 Description: Thus block changes its color to the color you want! Instruction manual included. PM me for one. Seller: A.D.L. Inc Quantity: 50
~HeavensGate257~ ~Original idea of andrewdavidloftus~