Catelite, cracker64: Vine breaks some destroyable cities and other 'realistic' things. A lot of people use wood for structure and plants for color.
Example: LoadSaveBlock(58442); (Might not break 100% of the time, but it did 9 of 10 times for me.)
As for feature ideas--I suggest explosives be coded just slightly differently, throwing out a few trails of flame, kind of like how EnigmaSand (2 or 4, I think) does it. The only issue is that it's random, and thus less predictable; maybe a new element would be required were this to be implemented.
Finally, a 'snap to grid' option to go with the new grids would be nice. Fixing replace mode's draw-on-empty bug would be even nicer.
EDIT: I'm not sure if anybody else has noticed this, yet, but we don't seem to be able to enter new tags. Voting is unaffected. I don't remember having this problem in v43.0, though.
Carpaccio hmm i see that vine messes that up a bit..i might make a 'vine mode' so it doesn't break old creations.
i forgot about the replace mode draw-on-empty, i will work on that right now. maybe even floodfill for it. i'm not sure how a snap to grid would work.. just use the zoom window and you should get accurate enough.
I forgot to mention one other thing--perhaps a (breakable?) CLNE that only produces particles when it's pulsed--not like PCLN, which is unbreakable and always producing until switched off.
Speaking of breakable CLNE (BCLN), I think it should probably be more resilient. Somehow, making one which spawns LN2 (with one empty pixel so that it's constantly cooling something) causes it to quickly detach and act as a particle for a little while (still working) and then disappearing, a bit like GOO. I'm not sure the pressure even hit 1.00 before it 'broke'.
UPDATE: add SHLD- An element that grows from a sprk, and will regenerate if damaged. Put it on a metal and spark the metal.
replace mode works!! it only replaces the specified element. if shift-alt is on eraser, then it will replace everything. Flood fill will NOT work with replace, it causes problems, so i disabled it. just make a big box with ctrl.
vinemode- normally off, hit 't' to turn it on. makes plant grow up wood. (v is taken)
bcln is stronger
EDIT: if you downloaded before you saw this, please download again, INST was broken.
Well, I was thinking about an idea for breakable clone. Why not have it act like BMTL, but instead of becoming powder, it will turn into BRCN (broken clone, witch is still solid) and when a particle hits it, the BRCN becomes the particle? (for example, if I add WATR to BRCN, BRCN turns into water and disappears)
Err, I wasn't quite talking about SHLD. Think something like this: LoadSaveBlock(36642);
Also, VINE is broken in that the PLNT particles spawned are [u]always[/u] spawned at 22°C, as opposed to the temperature of the 'parent' PLNT (what spawned the VINE). This can be seen here if you turn off temperature spreading, and turn on vines: LoadSaveBlock(15514);
The reason why I'm requesting snap-to-grid is because we don't have a way to make a 4px brush (this is easily seen with grid 1 on). Kind of inconvenient, since that's the size that walls are.