hi im new ive made a new version of your thing there called processor 1. sedond processor. third lc corp proccessor. prototype processor and new micro gate which is one of the best atm its a 3 way in and out but it can send currents 6 diff ways you could all it to replace the 2 2 chips
just take the battery off the top of the chips copy it to use it once youv done that hook its top inputs to your four way ones and then click it to ram and it should work
There all fixed I've put in some diode to stop them going to another part of the processor check it on the programable one iv marked it it should work ok if you what to change where he spark goes from just a single slot keep sparking so the ntct heats up to let it start and it should work iff not send up an message on the thing I'm posting called micro processor I'll put some instructions on aswell