Powder Toy Multiplayer Script

  • djthekiller
    12th Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    hey guys what is the main download link?

  • jacob1
    12th Feb 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    @djthekiller (View Post)
    Type one of these into the console (~ key):

    tpt.getscript(1, "autorun.lua", 1)
    tpt.getscript(2, "autorun.lua", 1)

    The first one gets you the script manager, which allows you to easily download and update scripts. This is the recommended way to get TPTMP.

    The second one only gets you multiplayer. You'll have to run that command again every time there is an update.
  • djthekiller
    17th Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink


  • Vondaniel
    16th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    is there a "block" or "ignore" user command? 

  • QuanTech
    16th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Vondaniel (View Post)

     Typing "/list" gives you a list of all the available commands. There is a "/kick", but that doesn't work in the lobby. Maybe create a private channel and invite some people over, and if some annoying person comes along, you can /kick them and their screams won't be heard >:

  • Vondaniel
    16th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    they have been spamming /msg and i wanted to know if there is a /block feature that i do not know about. if there is not, i think it would be nice in the next update!

  • jacob1
    17th Mar 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    There is no /block at the moment. I will definitely consider it for the next update (tptmp 1.0 will happen some day ...... it's been 80% done for months now)

    In the meantime, I can ban annoying users if i'm online when it happens to see it. I would suggest not responding to people who /msg you if you don't want them to /msg you.
  • tomson9
    28th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Is it 100% Safe to do this? I'm worried about any viruses.

  • jacob1
    28th May 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    @tomson9 (View Post)
    You can't get a virus doing this. It's made officially by tpt developers. Just type this into the console to get the script manager: tpt.getscript(1, "autorun.lua", 1) or, this to get tptmp directly: tpt.getscript(2, "autorun.lua", 1)
  • tomson9
    28th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Okay, Anyone on? I'm seriously bored and have nobody to play with! 

    Edited 4 times by tomson9. Last: 28th May 2017
Locked by jacob1: legacy, v2 is now released - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=25400