or you can call it element 115 :D (hopefuly some of you know what that is from a video game perspective)
nazi zombies? lol btw cracker, thank you SO MUCH for fixing the SWCH. Now i use this mod instead of original. On Topic: I think PIPE should be edited. a coating of brick does not always help, and brick can be melted when transporting hot liquids like lava. brick is also eaten by acid. make it coat in diamond. BTW, isn't element 115 Ununpentium? if it is, how is it possible to harvest it anyway? it would decay in seconds...
This mod is probably the best, even better than AntB's (even though that one is awesome too), mostly because of the amazing brush controls and intuitive elements. I really like the x/y controls for the brush, and the square brush makes me so happy I could cry. Also, I realized that neutrons turn plant into wood, so when vine mode is turned on, it continually grows it (which is easier than water). I know it might not be possible, but if there was a way to reset pressure to 0 without erasing everything or using the vacuum or air to try and level it out, I would appreciate it.
gamerboy8864 it used to make DMND, but since most people like things destroyable, it switched to BRCK. So you need to protect the pipe by cooling it or something.
petenick96 thank you! the plant/neutron thing is funny, i never noticed that happened. I can see if i can make a pressure reset.
Even though I personally don't care and I love smoke, but for the sake of argument I like how there is a button to turn off vine and note smoke :3 and no one seems to complain, so see people, smoke isn't bad!
Very good mod cracker (again) but it has surpassed my previous expectations of your mod! and do you have any new radioactive elements in the making process?
It would be cool to have radon gas as a selectable element. It would also be neat to have clay that could be baked into pottery. Maybe even glaze? I like the update!