The Realistic Science Mod

  • fireball5000
    19th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    wait a second, your download link says 2.3.2, but mediafire says downloading RScience 2.3.1. ???

  • Redtiger46
    20th Feb 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Hey what does haveing windows XP have to do with what mods you can use?


    (I know this is off topic,and breaks forum rules, but i want this mod and i want @firefreak11 to Know I have xp so he can code it so that i can use it.)

  • harryk
    20th Feb 2013 Member 3 Permalink


    How do i compile for linux? there is no makefile or sconscript



    How do i compile for linux? there is no makefile or sconscript


  • jacksonmj
    20th Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    @firefreak11 (View Post)

    Please upload the most recent source, keep it up to date with the .exe.


    @harryk (View Post)

    Use the old makefile from the original source code

    In the source for this mod, you'll need to delete the following files from the includes folder (as these are Windows versions of the header files and will not work properly, the ones already installed on your computer should be used): lua5.1/ SDL/ bzlib.h fftw3.h pthread.h regex.h sched.h

    Also delete "src/Nuke Handbook.c", it doesn't contain any code and the Makefile chokes on filenames containing spaces.

  • harryk
    20th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Thanks. The precompiled binary didn't work, and i really wanted to try this mod.

  • firefreak11
    20th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacksonmj (View Post)

     Ok. I might have to redo the whole thing in C++ if people can't open it. I also think I deleted "src/Nuke Handbook.c" a while ago so it should not be included in the latest source. 

  • harryk
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    If tau lepton initiates fission, souldnt it work on uranium?

    Also, a sufficiently large quantity of muons should be able to induce fusion on helium, creating molten beryllium which cools to give beryllium, a low density, high thermal conductivity solid that is transparent to energy type particles. It could have plenty of applications, like heat sinks, paricle filters and stuff.

    Hydrogen fusion could be more realistic. the fusion product plasma could be made to turn into helium on cooling.

  • firefreak11
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @harryk (View Post)

     Uranium does not undergoe fission in this game.

    One muon does a bit of a reaction, but lots will make a large scale reaction.

    I might add Beryllium.

    Hydrogen fusion is fine how it is.

    The plasma does cool into HLUM, which is helium. It used to be called NBLE.

    So I guess the mod ran for you?

  • Redtiger46
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Hey what does haveing windows XP have to do with what mods you can use?


    (I know this is off topic,and breaks forum rules, but i want this mod and i want @firefreak11 to Know I have xp so he can code it so that i can use it.)


  • firefreak11
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Redtiger46 (View Post)

     It should work on all PC's running Windows.