Powder Toy Multiplayer Script

  • Rashoneh
    18th Apr 2019 Member 2 Permalink

    Because TPTMP with 101v because i can't find update button... :(

  • Lukandrate
    28th Jun 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey! I click to update button but it is not updates!

  • DogeisCut
    28th Jun 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    nobody is online, Is there like specific servers for different saves? if so, which save is most populated?

  • LBPHacker
    28th Jun 2019 Developer 0 Permalink

    There is not, it's just a big dead wasteland. Small private groups of people sometimes play together in different "rooms" (you're in the one named "main" by default I believe) to which you don't have access unless you know the name, and the main room is, well, deserted, like I said.


    Do remember that this is not a minecraft server. In fact there *is* a TPT minecraft server but it's just about as deserted :P

  • _Theo
    2nd Jul 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Isn't the main server called "null" ?

  • LBPHacker
    2nd Jul 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 2nd Jul 2019
  • braden1127
    18th Jul 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I made a room; its name is Braden

    Edit: I wish this thing could be revived

    Edited once by braden1127. Last: 18th Jul 2019
  • Supercrafter
    18th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    That's impressive but if we want full support, we need to work on it with a different plan, such as like a option on mobile phones that can be turned on via an update 

  • alice_loona_OT12
    14th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @boxmein (View Post)

     I'm very sorry for necroposting, but I keep getting errors from the removed setfocus and set_shortcuts.


  • jacob1
    15th Sep 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @JohnSmith777779 (View Post)
    If you are using the script manager, open it and update to the latest version.

    If you are using the autorun.lua variant, then reinstall it with tpt.getscript(2, "autorun.lua", 1)

    It's a bug with older versions of tptmp + the latest version of tpt. The latest version of TPT had an api change that broke tptmp, but the update fixes it.
Locked by jacob1: legacy, v2 is now released - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=25400