I tried it and got
bad argument #2 to 'unregister' (function expected, got[[CLIPPED TEXT]]
Also, it won't appear due to this error
I finally got it to work. Unless you have other Lua mods, then you get weirdness.
If you want to play TPTMP on Android, just change the 94th line of TPTMP script:
TPT will spam errors, but you will be finally able to use multiplayer on Android. Although playing with screen filled with error messages may be hard, you can still chat with other people on TPTMP.
Known bug, it was fixed in version 0.101
TPTMP isn't intended to be played on Android port, it messes it up badly and can cause problems for other users who use the PC version. Therefore, It can also lead to a ban if you try to play TPTMP using android.
Sorry, I didn't know.