Also on Linux, when installing (ctrl+i), an entry in the desktop menu is now created. Pretty convenient, the only reason it wasn't done before is because there was no icon, but that is included now.
Other obscure or unimportant changes: Prevent exit() in save data parsing library with certain invalid saves Fix typo in BRMT's description Fix unpausing while in the middle of particle debugging
@cxi(View Post) I actually tested the rfgl and rfgs they work pretty well.But still it is confusing may be you could make more saves which shows all the properties of rfgl and rfgs.i had read your page for properties but stlll its confusing.jacob 1 you must add a wat to show description of hidden elements like rfgl and cracker 64's hidden elements.other than that you both have done a good job. Jacob 1 will you be adding more properties to experimental elements and rfgl etc? Are these elements permanent or will be removed in official game releases? Thanks.
@cxi(View Post) Well I guess I can test it myself in my vm later. It is a very old is x version though. I tend to blame newer OS X versions for stuff like this :p It could also be the place you put it, maybe it can't write the update file back.
@jacob1(View Post) I know you are very busy these days and also working on android port but the bug where menu's first element disappear on using deco is still present and it happens all the time so the question is have you fixed it for next snapshot ? Thanks