I had that same issue, I got around it by just right clicking the download and opening in a new tab. The tab opened and immediately closed and the download started. I hope this helps!
I, for the life of me, don't understand how people are getting the whole 8 particles surrounding 1 particle thing to work, especially with ETRD. Can someone please post a picture of this set up? Also I can't get protons to make singularity. I'm literally compressing screen fulls of them into a gravity pump on the highest temp surrounded by ACEL and I'm getting nothing but plutonium and lag.
Edit: found out how to do the 8 to 1 thing. I was trying to use it with TNT and ETRD, which is NOT the correct formula for PBCN, ETRD and BCLN is. CFLM on TNT doesn't seem to make C5 and none of the recipies involving LIFE work (I can only assume LIFE means GOL as the game won't let me use any of the other Life elements for some reason). I believe I have gotten every other element, aside from the SING that i cheated in.
I, for the life of me, don't understand how people are getting the whole 8 particles surrounding 1 particle thing to work, especially with ETRD. Can someone please post a picture of this set up? Also I can't get protons to make singularity. I'm literally compressing screen fulls of them into a gravity pump on the highest temp surrounded by ACEL and I'm getting nothing but plutonium and lag.
Edit: found out how to do the 8 to 1 thing. I was trying to use it with TNT and ETRD, which is NOT the correct formula for PBCN, ETRD and BCLN is. CFLM on TNT doesn't seem to make C5 and none of the recipies involving LIFE work (I can only assume LIFE means GOL as the game won't let me use any of the other Life elements for some reason). I believe I have gotten every other element, aside from the SING that i cheated in.
yeah for some reason the c5 recipe doesnt work
Can someone please tell me how to make soap?
what do you have so far