@cracker64(View Post) A way to get the mouse coordinates with zoom would be very usefull for drawing things with my menu. Also getpressure/gravity would make my HUD complete. I also found a bug in tpt.drawrect:
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE) return luaL_error(l, "Screen coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", x, y); if(x+w > XRES) w = XRES-x; if(y+h > YRES) h = YRES-y;
In the second two if statements, XRES should be XRES+BARSIZE and YRES should be YRES+MENUSIZE. Becuase of this bug, I had to draw the menu pixel by pixel.
@gamax92(View Post) What do you think it should be used for? I was already thinking of making a way to let you change the color of the menus and I could also use this to make a color drawing tool that you could use without pressing b.
@jacob1(View Post) Thanks for drawing attention to that, it's now fixed for the next version. Also, I've noticed that you're allowing some events to get passed on to the game, causing problems with drawing particles; If you return false from mouse or key events, they are not passed into the game.