Mod element suggestion thread

  • me4502
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Videogamer555 (View Post)

    invm = wire
    invi = hswc
    invb = wire in a loop
  • CaptainJL
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    gamma rays GRAY
    possible properties for GRAY should include
                - 3000 degrees celcius start temperature
                - properties of photons
                - make 'life' mutate into others (random if possible)
                - made from AMTR when destroying any particles that are destroyable
  • code1949
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I have tried to add as much pseudo code as possible.

    Gluon (GLUO):
    Absorbs heat and pressure (cools down relatively quickly to 22C and depressurizes relatively quickly to 0)
    Life variable [life++] increases on contact with high-pressure[if pressure > x] or high temperatures[if temperature > x]
    Density variable increases with life variable [Basically just modify DEUT's code]
    Starts out with no density[density = 0]
    Increases the life variable[life+=] of NEUT[element ID=18], ELEC[element ID=136] and PHOT[element ID=31] on contact with them
    If it has high temperature and is touching URAN, the URAN turns into PLUT[if element ID=32 & temp>x; element ID=19]
    If it has high temperature and is touching ISOZ, the ISOZ turns into ISZS[if element ID=107 & temp>x; element ID=108]

    Detonate (DETO)
    Whatever state of matter is convenient for you
    Explodes like BOMB but with larger radius and more pressure
    Explodes thee moment it is spawned
    Is designated PROPDEADLY
    Is hidden

    After talking to savask on IRC and learning about the use of his AI FIGH code, I have realized that an element like DETO can be used by a FIGH as its ctype to act like a creeper.
  • me4502
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    sbmb: at spawn, temp and pressure slowly decrease... And when they hit minimum... It quickly goes up to maximum and creates a lot of fire
  • therocketeer
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    @code1949 (View Post)
    I like gluon.

    EDIT: the last bit you said would be wicked.

  • iMo_imo
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Hows about NYAN?

    -Random Color

    -Explodes VIOLENTLY at 100 degrees

    -Moves randomly around the screen.

  • billion57
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Quark (QURK):

    Combine to make PROT (Yes, PROT!), and NEUT, but only with Gluons.

    Has a 1/3 chance of sparking a conductor.

    Proton (PROT):

    In contact with ELEC, forms hydrogen.

    In contact with NEUT and O2, forms DEUT.

    Makes HYGN into NBLE (Helium).


    Nuclear bomb (NUKE)

    When under high pressure and temperature, explodes into NEUT and URAN.

    Reaches maximum temperature and pressure for 1 frame.

    Yes, I know, these Ideas have probably been suggested before...

  • edwardfanboy
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    HHYG - Heavy hydrogen
    Same as hydrogen but turns into DEUT instead of WATR when combined with oxygen
    Hydrogen turns into HHYG when it gets hit by a neutron

    Otherwise the same properties as hydrogen.
  • bgrac17
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    PHOS-phospherous creates 3 smke particles for every phos particle
    -ignites from pressure over 3.00
    -ignites from fire

    DC -dc electric charge

    AC -ac electric charge

    RUST- water reacting with metals dissloves after time

    PGTL- progectile moving solid

    WELD-welder flame instantly melts metals only melts metals
  • limelier
    2nd Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Keywork (View Post)
    Every single thing he said.