AK-47 cause of it's durability power accuracy and price! At some places you can buy it for 7$.... my airgun is lame so i think that I can buy Kalashnikov. Hmm but.... Polish Anti-Tank gun - UR is the best! It was so powerfull that they could shot throught armor of every tank up to 1941 germans was amazed when they attacked poland and loosed so much tanks cause couple of this guns..... PTRS SUCKS!!!
hmm As I sayed 1. AK-47 2. UR and in Virtual Reality = Zero Point Gravity Manipulator. Gravity Gun from H-F 2 is the best! You can kill every enemy easily...
Wilq15 the original AK 47 wasn't actually very durable, powerful, or accurate. In fact, it was a piece of shit. Recent variations of the AK series have vastly improved on the design though. the AK-74, the AK74SU, the AKM, etc.
Wilq15 the original AK 47 wasn't actually very durable, powerful, or accurate. In fact, it was a piece of shit. Recent variations of the AK series have vastly improved on the design though. the AK-74, the AK74SU, the AKM, etc.