• ssc4k
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    We can put in whatever elements or changes we feel would be fun. don't download it if you don't want to.
  • feki00
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Well i put elements what i like in my "own" powder since i have the source, who does not?
    Yeah right who dont know how to modify and compile it.

    @plypencil saying "Do not upload projects using The Powder Toy Experiment."
    You should disable the upload feature, and perhaps the auto update.
  • ssc4k
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    It doesn't matter if everyone on the web was building and compiling this, why are you complaining about it? It doesn't effect you at all apparently.

    I suggested that and am in working on that now :p
    you may find it better just to remove the mentioned features in your next release.

  • feki00
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I was not complaining, if you see it that way i apologize. I just did not get the point of this but now i understand. Never mind me, im leaving.
  • ssc4k
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    No offense meant either
  • ssc4k
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I've made some changes and hosted it on Google code, I haven't put what plypencil had in yet (I will later) but I do have 1 or 2 new elements I made earlier (Frozen nitrogen and something else).

    Most importantly this comes in 2 versions: Normal and Large. Large will not be able to load uploaded creations (it will crash) but normal will. Large's simulation is 800x600 and Normal is the default 612x384

    You can grab them both here
  • Andrewrox
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I want to try out these new elements. However, wouldn't it be a better idea to help Simon rather than make your own versions? There's not much point having heaps of different versions of the game.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play plypencil's version because I have a Mac.
  • ssc4k
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I would be glad to really I guess I would just need to talk to Simon

    @Simon where is the PM function on your fourms?

    Sorry I only know how to compile it for windows :/ but if you can and know how on your mac the source is available on google code also (if you have an svn client) just check the "source" tab.
  • plypencil
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Unfortunately I do not own a mac so cannot compile it for the mac. I can create all versions of windows exectuable and linux binaries. I will be doing this in the next build

    But for not here is v3.0
    Added Element: Frozen Nitroglycerine
    Changed: Plasma behaviour, to awsomeness
    Made sure that the trouble dll IS included

  • vsams14
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i think this is really cool, can I help? that may be an awkward question, but programming is a thing that I love to do! if I can help, please post a comment, or better yet email me
    vsams14 at gmail dot com
    because i dont go on here too often
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