The Powder Toy ++  download/snapshots

  • jacob1
    17th Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @nmd (View Post)
    Savask always bugs Simon to enable realistic mode. I think he said one reason he doesn't it that the latent heat table is unfinished, it only has a few values in it right now. Stress needs to be re-written, I don't know if that will ever get done.
    Part of that bug is one Simon already knows about. Comments can be an infinite length right now, because textbox length isn't limited. I've never seen the other bug, I haven't logged in in it yet.

    @lorddeath (View Post)
    Mod saves: 571404, 858657, 644543, 740815, 842466 (broken) Other saves: 477820, 713390, 731553, 896320, 912838. I save most things as stamps (I didn't register for a while). All of these are basically just tests. I've posted links to most of these somewhere.
  • Dr-Nukinstin
    17th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I seem to have found a couple bugs, NGRV acts like GRAV, pulling everything into the cursor, can't search for anything because it just says OK in the middile of the screen, and login is a no go, but thats probably just because it isn't completly official yet


    EDIT:Also i get an error when i try to login, but the error is OK, it just says ERROR:OK

  • lorddeath
    17th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Dr-Nukinstin (View Post)


    Strange i could login and search.


    Oh and jacob i make moving solids in your mod an you make more or a toggle button currently i can only use LAVA VIRS ACID i think dust?

  • R3APER
    17th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink
    Will auto update delete my stamps? Maybe an FAQ would help alleviate this questions.
  • jacob1
    17th Aug 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    @R3APER (View Post)
    It acts exactly like tpt's update, it won't delete anything.

    @lorddeath (View Post) (below)
    Start a conversation with me or post in my mod's thread if you want more help with that. You could probably make an autorun.lua script to make those automatically start like a moving solid.
  • lorddeath
    18th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    Srry just moving my past post.


    Oh and jacob i make moving solids in your mod an you make more or a toggle button currently i can only use LAVA VIRS ACID i think dust?

  • Simon
    18th Aug 2012 Administrator 0 Permalink
    New snapshot, adds video recording with 'r', PNG screenshots with 'p' and fixes crash with the save browser

    @Dr-Nukinstin (View Post)
    Do you need a proxy to use normal TPT? can you do a packet capture?
  • billion57
    18th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Simon (View Post)

     That is nice!

    What format is the video?

  • Simon
    18th Aug 2012 Administrator 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    Same old TPT crappy PPM format, might work on getting something else in the future.
  • EqualsThree
    18th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Download link for Windows 32bit doesn't work for me, it says it can't connect D: (using google chrome)

Locked by Simon: TPT++ has now gone beta