No. If your only function is to be a moderator, that is quite useless and we need functional staff.
Sorry, i will add you.
Don't forget about me.
@NUCLEAR_FOX how will you be functional if you can't make functions.
void nuclear_fox(bool func)
if(func == true)
std::cout << "Now I have a function." << endl;
Now you have a function in code. :P
I have an awesomely ambitious and wonderful idea for a mod element. Plasma Ball, moving solid, floats (in air), makes spark, explosive (if you like it I'll post a whole thread)
If you make the github fork or if its made already, I will code a version for my next mod release, then stick it in our source
What? You don't understand Github either. You make a REPOSITORY then a FORK (clone repository). Is there already a repository? Remember, whoever starts the repository is by default the administrator and is in control of the MASTER branch. Note: It is recomended you have FULL gui git software to be admin, otherwise you will likely lose control and the repository may be screwed up. (no command line crap like "Github for Windows") 2. It is recommended that you know how to use this GUI, I don't. I may break something. (I can fork, but you don't want me admin)
Whom well versed in the mysterious forthcomings of Github branching? For whomever accepteth this noble offer shalt be crowned king of the Master branch!
(translation: Who wants to be admin?)