Well for the next update I was just about to change that...
when explosives explode the produce smoke and gasses in the form of CO2, NO, N2, CO
so far i've changed amfo to do this, gonna do the rest soonish
as for fusion line do you mean
function HYGN(i,x,y,s,n)
calstmp = tpt.get_property("tmp",x,y)
if calstmp == 1 then
sim.partChangeType(i, tpt.element('DSTW'))
tpt.element_func(HYGN, tpt.element('HYGN'))
this doesn't effect fusion this it this oxidising catalysis turning hygn to dstw
added new element for the sake of bomb factories
made kerosene burn hotter
HUD now is more amazing...
jw button goes away when looking at the definition for P effect when in alternate spot
jw button goes away with hud when in alternate spot
jw button has compat with TPTMP button
jw button highlights on hover
FuelMod.version string (make sure fuelmod is installed or else an error)
FuelMod ~= nil detects if there is fuelmod is installed(also works in console)(helps with previous string)
compat with future planed mods
catalysts can be used in many ways in multi-partical structures there is much more you can do i'm just short of time, might put some stuff on a different thread or wiki
1.catalytic oxidiser
G=Gold N G N
C=Cals N C N
N=Nothing N G N
amfo-> N2O4
hows the interface?