I'm staying with the Unofficial TPT Market by Diissaster, as it has more members and was around longer, as this was just created 3 days ago, according to my calendar
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:pick axe TYPE:metal head with goo handle USE:mining rock COST: 25 PTM CLEARANCE:miners,soldiers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal rock breaker for any miner GRADE:1
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:axe TYPE:nscn head and goo handle USE:cutting trees COST:25 PTM CLEARENCE:lumber workers,soldiers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal tree cutter for any lumber worker GRADE:1
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:plower TYPE:coal head with wood handle (long) USE:growing plants COST:25 PTM CLEARENCE:farmers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal plower for any farmer GRADE:1
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:colt pistol TYPE:metal body with nscn checker pattern on side USE:defending against attacks COST:50 PTM CLEARENCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:a defence against the attacking enimies GRADE:1
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:hammer TYPE:metal head with goo handle USE:building COST:50 PTM CLEARENCE:builders,soldiers ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:a tool used to build things GRADE:1
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:boat TYPE:customizable USE:getting around/delivering goods to nearby islands and getting resources and sometimes if ur lucky money (to the person who sailed out). COST:400 PTM CLEARANCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:used to get money and resources (dock needed to deliver goods) GRADE:3
COMPANY: Fury Islands NAME:power company shares TYPE: Text USE:buying shares is for profit for example- PLEAD has 50% shares in webbs dock so he gets 50% of the income so if webb used to get 50 he now gets 25 and so do i COST:50 PTM CLEARANCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:used to buy into buissinesses and get money GRADE:-
At the time of writing, the PTM to PTSM (Unofficial Powder Toy Shop Money) exchange rate is 1 PTM for 0.78 PTSM
What is this? ^. I don't use PTSM, my system Uses credits(CRDT). And since when did your money have a better economic value than mine. I can understand your reasons for making it like that but...