@BudCharles(View Post) Lol but no seriously i never asked for any flaming i was just pointing out that my dad does that since its related 2 the topic and, also they did not just start that donation thing its been around for a couple of years.
@shroom207 Fine, it starts NOW! If you don't want to flame you'll probably win. Anyway, we're still friends right. I believe that you didn't start it deliberately.
@snowfire777 This all started over something that we all anybody would think COULD NOT START A FLAME WAR. So maybe, and sorry @shroom207, shroom should leave as there is really nothing of his concern here. I am not against him, I just think that this isn't worth it. Forgetting the flame, are there any comments anyone might want to make on snowfire's changing?
@snowfire777(View Post) Dude i refuse too leave if you keep offending me if your next comment is non offensive then i will leave.You said lying+flaming i am not doing neither on my first comment i asked for no flaming.