TheTempest's Temp Ban.

  • Catelite
    8th Apr 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    1. Don't make a thread asking about or even talking about bans, please.
    2. NEVER make an account to circumvent a ban. That defeats the point of a ban.
    3. We shouldn't have to warn for a temporary ban. The temporary ban IS the warning.

    I was tempted to delete this when I saw it and ban right off the bat without a second thought, but waiting on permission to do so.
  • Xenocide
    8th Apr 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I am the one who issued the temp ban. TheTempest and onlythe tempest may contact me and only me to discuss why. All other users will recieve a warning.

    As a note, I consider ban evasion a serious offence. Don't test me on it.
Locked by antb: Catelite: still derp