Snapshot 61: Now compiled with the Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler (MSVC) This should improve FPS by a noticeable amount (10-20%), and decrease the size by 40%
This is a windows-only update, which gives a massive speed boost and size decrease. I finally updated the build server to use Visual Studio. Since it is now compiled natively on windows instead of through a cross compiler in a VM, the builds are much better.
I fixed the --msvc option in Sconscript, so if you want to use visual studio's compiler with scons from the command line, use that option. Most flags work properly with --msvc.
Note: The speed boost really just brings the windows version back up to the levels of pre 91.2 versions. Other platforms didn't have the issue. I didn't realize how much slower the windows version was since I started compiling it until Simon told me.
@jacob1(View Post) The latest 61 snapshot update is not even executing. the .exe file's icon is blank and error says that its not a valid application. I am using windows xp sp3 1 gb ram. please reply and where i can find snapshot ver 60 link?
The icon being blank seems to be a bug. I will fix it. Visual studio must not compile in support for Windows XP by default, i'll see if it is an easy fix. I think it should be easy to fix, but otherwise I don't think it is that important ... you shouldn't be using Windows XP.
@jacob1(View Post) So what must i do to play snapshot 61 ? Will it ever run on my pc? Please fix it as soon as possible and thanks for link. Seems like untill you fix i will have to play snapshot 60.
Snapshot 62: Fix icon Support windows XP again, probably
Another windows only update to fix bugs introduced by using msvc. I should have noticed the icon. I don't have Windows XP and aren't going to test that, so someone will need to confirm it works. Someone suggested I drop support for windows XP, almost considering disabling online features for XP as an incentive to not use it .... probably won't do that though.