Mod element suggestion thread

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    11th Feb 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    But the fuel in cars isn't activated by the pistons, it's set off by the spark (which is how TPT fuel works)

  • Gustavo6046
    11th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Anyways we could also put some element called NSPK (Neutral Sparker), which is an particle that ignites/explodes every flammable/explosive that touches it, but without the use of SPRK, also is better than CLNE (ctype FIRE), because it does not generate fire, it only ignites fuels by itself, which means that nothing would heat before the fuel injection.

    PS: Another suggestion is to put an option in the post editor to quickly link some text to an specified wiki page. Cheers! :)

  • Philip153
    12th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    PLEASE add my LTHM suggestion. It's on the "feedback" page and it's name is : Element Suggestoin : LTHM.

  • Gustavo6046
    7th Mar 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    PLEASE add my NSPK suggestion. It's on the "discussion" page and it's name is : Mod element suggestion thread



  • Factorial
    8th Mar 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • XxFantaLordxX
    22nd Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @tommig (View Post)


    ANEX- Anti-Explode



    when it explodes, everything goes towards it


    turns to dust when combined with any type of liquid


    Sucks up neurons and photons to get a bigger blast radius (per pixel)


    If struck by electricity, it will lose its gained blast radius


    If temperature reaches below 900 degrees, it will turn into molten dest


    If temp reaches over 600, it will turn into diamond


    It is a gas


    It is colored HEX #29918A


    goes the opposite way of wind


    makes pressure around it slowly go to 0

  • bwbellairs
    22nd Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Name: Homing Missile

    In game (4 letters) name: HOMI

    Is in a non-moving stationary state untill activated by spark.

    CType is the element it targets. This automatically changed to the first element it touches but you can change it by clicking an element on it.

    Temp: The higher the temp the bigger the explosion.

    Affected by gravity(Minimal) and air pressure.

    TMP: When Missile explodes it spawns in other missiles in around itself with the same settings as the original untill all elements that have been targeted are destroyed. (TMP is the amount of missiles spawned around the original)

    TMP2: Speed of the missile.

    When all targeted elements have been destroyed and HOMI can't find any to destroy missile turns slowly bright red and ceases to exist.

    When metal is sparked touching stationary missile, missile "Homes" in on element that has been targeted.

    When HOMI is 10-20 pixels away from targeted element and is in active, moving state it will flash yellow, orange and red.

    I hope someone uses this idea. To me it is useful and fun if it were to be implented into a mod or game.

    Thanks for reading!

    Edited once by bwbellairs. Last: 22nd Apr 2015
  • ChargedCreeper
    22nd Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Battery acid (BACD), basically would be sort of a liquid form of BTRY. On contact with a conducting element it would generate SPRK, and life would decrease and even out sort of like how ACID does. BACD sparked with PSCN would gain life (simulating recharging). It would make it much easier to make rechargable batteries which would be great for power plants and stuff.

  • Meganuke
    23rd May 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Nitrogen: Invisible, formed when LN2 evaporates. Its name is N. Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon: Variants of Noble Gas. Each glow a different color on electric current. Helium glows pale peach, Neon glows bright Neon-red, Argon glows a rich sky-blue color, Krypton glows a lovely pale mauve color, Xenon glows a lovely pale violet color, and Radon, which is radioactive, glows either green, red, or not at all, with the glow updated every time it stops glowing or the electric current is turned off, and the glow decided by a randomizer, and their names are HE, NE, AR, KR, XE, and RN when gas, HEL, NEL, ARL, KRL, XEL, and RNL when liquid, and HES, NES, ARS, KRS, XES, and RNS when solid, respectively. They become liquid at −268.928 °C, −246.046 °C, -185.848 °C, −153.415 °C, −108.099 °C, and −61.7 °C, and solid at −272.20 °C, −248.59 °C, −189.34 °C, −157.37 °C, −111.75 °C, and −71 °C, respectively. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine: Halogens.  Each is a damaging non-metal. Fluorine is very similar to caustic gas, except it burns its way through anything instantly, setting most things on fire as well as burning a hole through it. It won't destroy quartz instantly, though, but it will destroy it in an hour. It's a very pale yellow-green gas which lets 90% of photons through above −188.11 °C, a pale yellow-green liquid which lets 50% of photons through below −188.11 °C but above −219.67 °C, and a yellow-green solid below −219.67 °C which blocks photons. Chlorine is like Fluorine but only destroys stickmen and fighters, has a stronger green tint than yellow, is gas above -34.04 °C, liquid below -34.04 °C and above -101.5 °C, and solid below -101.5 °C. Bromine is a red-brown liquid above -7.2 °C and below 58.8 °C, a red-brown gas above 58.8 °C, and a red-brown solid below -7.2 °C. It kills stickmen and fighters extremely slowly, and blocks 90% of photons. Iodine is a black powder which blocks photons below 113.7 °C, an extremely dark violet liquid which blocks photons above 113.7 °C and below 184.3 °C, and a violet gas which blocks 50% of photons above 184.3 °C. Astatine is a particle whose state of matter, color, and % of photons blocked by each individual pixel of it depends on what the pixel's coordinates are, and it's radioactive. Their names are F, CL, BRG, IG, and ATG when gas, FL, CLL, BR, IL, and ATL when liquid, and FS, CLS, BRS, I, and ATS when solid/powders, respectively. Also, some of the elements in the official version should be renamed: MERC to HG, TUNG to W, LRBD to RBL, RBDM to RB, HYGN to H, OXYG to O, LOXY to OL, GOLD to AU, TTAN to TI, IRON to FE, URAN to U, and PLUT to PU. Modname: The Chemical Elements. That's just what I can think of so far.

    Edited once by Meganuke. Last: 23rd May 2015
  • explosivepowder
    21st Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    Liquid clone. Can be heated more to turn into GCLN. And can be cooled into PWCL


    Powdered clone. Can be changed back into DCLN under cold temperatures.

    Dynamic clone. Can melt into LCLN at high temp. Can shatter into PWCL. It can also turn into CLNE under EXTREMLY low temperetures and pressure.

     GCLN. Gasious Clone. Can be cooled into LCLN, heated into PLSM(DCLN)

     PLSM(DCLN) will, similarly to the plsm created by NBLE cool itself back into GCLN with a life of 1000. As the life goes down on the GCLN, it will cool itself back down into DCLN

     The mod that would add all these would be called "More clone mod" The only clne shown would be in the special tab. Its DCLN (Dynamic clone) This is to prevent the special tab from filling up with a bunch of CLNE types.

    I got several more suggestions, But i dont want to be looked at as a spammer.


    You know what? Im gonna wing it. (please dont ban me or anything) More energy particles. Such as the 6 quarks, the other fundemental tiny particles. These, similar to prot, can be grouped together at high speeds to form new particles. And depending on wich particles that do this, you could get ELEC, PROT, NEUT, Etc. Anti-energy particles. Same as energy particles, but renamed so they would have an A at the beginning of the name. These can form anti-elec, prot, neut etc. These anti-particles will explode similarly to a vibr/singsnow/deut bomb accept alot more powerfull upan hitting non-anti-particles. More actuall ELEMENTS. Such as helium, ceasium, more realistic MERC, platinum, silver, transition and post transition metals etc. More molicules, Such as DNA, wich under certain conditions will turn into certain forms of LIFE particles (from the GOL tab) There are alot of molicules though. If someone makes a mod with them, please choose wich molicules you add in wisely! Theres also a single element i would like added. WDCH (WooDCHip) Created when wood is under high pressure. Has the same proporties of wood, Except in powder form. There are WAY more that just keep on popping into my mind. But there are simply to many ideas in my head of mine to post them all. Also, SPH liquids. These would have changable proporties. LIFE = Gravitational pull TMP= Viscosity, TMP2= Tensilenes. Ctype would be numbers. And would control its density, It would also change color in order to signal its density. Thats all im gonna put because if i put much more im pretty sure i would be considered a spammer (once again, please dont ban me or anything)

    Edited 6 times by explosivepowder. Last: 21st Jul 2015