@cracker1000(View Post) Can you clarify what icon you are talking about? Do you mean the menusection on the right edge? Or all the icons on the deco tool buttons (the + - / *)
Does it happen in 92.1? I just released that yesterday.
@jacob1 Yes it happens in the menu section icon on right edge. I will try to reprpduce it and no i have not tested it on the 91.2 once i reach home i will. Actually it started happening in snapshot 94 where the whole icon was absent and only a black square with white border was present which on clicking turned into a white square with black borders. Thanks.
hello, when i make a save, when i save it, thats it, it wont update anymore if i try to edit it and save again. It will not give any errors, just when i get back it is like as it was saved from the first time.