As a fellow programmer, I'd like to ask you one or two questions. First, how long did this take you, it's very well done. Second, what programming languages do you know. Finally, do you have prior experience with Lua?
EDIT: What you did is absolutely amazing, you should be really proud.
@gamax92(View Post) You can look at the source and copy it, its one of the first functions. I use os.clock() to get the time and calculate the time between that and the last one every 7 frames. Also type tpt.setfpscap(1000) to increase the max fps. And to get your color preview to work, Just put the mouse on top of the boxes and press delete/the number keys.
I released Version 2.0 to make that more clear because it has the blinking line. It also has major speed/hud improvements and bug fixes.