sillu129 where you live and which schools are attending?
Boxmein: Sellist küsimust ei ole midagi, mida oleks üldjuhul küsida avalik ala, järgmine kord kasutada "Conversations" küsida seda. Te olete rääkinud üks kord enne kasutamist inglise keeles foorumeid ja te ei küsita uuesti. Kasuta tõlketeenistus nagu Google, kui te ei oska inglise keelt. See, kuidas ma olen juhtimisel öelda eesti keeles, tema ei ole raske teil sama tegema.
Boxmein: That kind of question is not something you would generally ask in the public area, next time use "Conversations" to ask that. You have been told once before to use English on the forums and you will not be asked again. Use a translation service such as Google if you can't speak English. That's how I'm managing to tell you in Estonian, its not hard for you to do the same.
I can speak English.-(Sorry really, my brother was online - I have on auto-login); Lol yeah, even though you got the words like :"Please take me to car fast." or "Me no speak english" etc.