K' i won't be using lolz. can someone give me tips on making this bunker even stronger?
I don't think it can be made any stronger. Also, your bunker causes excessive lag already.
Maybe replacing the element combinations and layering in the shield plates with something else can make it stronger. That way it won't cause even more lag.
I think that no matter what material is used to build the bunker, the bunker can be destroyed. The reason I say that is because if someone builds a hot air generator like the one mentioned earlier, it can melt its way through virtually anything. It would be good to find a way to reduce lag though.
I don't think i'll be able to reduce the lag because that will mean removing the interior or reducing the defences which of cource i cannot do.
"Inorganic biology"? i've only heard of inorganic chemistry.(i'm only 13)
Endless space is a game right? i've heard of it.
before i try it, i need to know a few things. What's it's size? is it free?
My max limit for internet usage does'nt allow me to download much.
Now, lets get back to the topic, any way i can make my bunker even better?
If the answer is no then there is no more use for this thread.