Food Toy Mod

  • Pilihp64
    5th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    The states are ST_GAS ST_LIQUID and ST_SOLID, which is in the pstates array. powder is a solid.

    how it MOVES naturally can be solid(0), powder(1), or liquid(2). (gasses move as solid for some reason). this is set by the falldown property in the ptyes array.

    {"DUST", PIXPACK(0xFFE0A0), 0.7f, 0.02f * CFDS, 0.96f, 0.80f, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.00f, 0.000f * CFDS, 1, 10,....
    after the CFDS, thing is the falldown value.
  • marshead
    5th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • cooldaddy96
    5th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Great mod! I <3 it! Best mod ever! I have a few ideas:

    MCHE: Melted chesse. Liquid. (Heat up cheese.)
    DYST: Dead yeast. Powder (I know how to make it, but it shold be already avalible on it's own. Mix with melted cheese to make cheese on toast)
    CHET: Cheese on toast. Solid (^Read^)
    TMTO: Tomato sauce. Liquid. (Pressurize to make Tomato purree.)
    TMPE: Tomato puree. Powder. (^Read^)
    DOGH: Dough. Powder. (Mix with salt to make salt dough.)
    STDH: Salt Dough. Solid. (^Read^)
    CKIE: Cookie. Solid. (Mix dough and sugar and heat to make cookie.)
    MEMT: Mincemeat. Powder. (Can be pressurized into Patties.)
    PATY: Patty. Solid (^Read^)
    GCSE: Garlic sauce. Liquid. (No, it's not an English exam. It works in the same way as tomato suace.)
    GCPE: Garlic puree. Powder.(^Read^)
    DRPA: Dried pasta. Powder. (Boil to make cooked pasta.)
    CDPA: Cooked pasta. Powder. (^Read^)

    I hope you like my ideas. I know it's alot. Btw, you are the best modder ever. They should make your PT mod the official PT. Btw again, have you ever considered making a cold gas for this mod. You could then make a fridge.
  • yew101
    5th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Thankyou, but they are not adding my stuff cause i cant use github correctly.
    And i will add most (maybe all) of them i des
  • tutut125
    5th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    btw yew101 i forgetwhat mod its from but in one of my powder toy files the def has your account and paword in it ( i deteted it)
    but i found it out because i was in your other mod went into my own folders had all of your creatios i looked down and you were signed in so just a heads up
  • yew101
    5th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    what version is it?
  • tman5000
    5th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • cooldaddy96
    5th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh yeah, I forgot to add something:

    Foods should turn a darker colour or something when they are cooked. And I cannot make chocolate cake. The cake really is a lie.
  • Xenocide
    5th Nov 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Just compiling crackers and I'll update the *nix binaries.
  • tman5000
    5th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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