TPT Minecraft Server

  • jacob1
    3rd May 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    I've loaded the NoCheatPlus plugin for now also. I disabled / lowered some of the settings just like I did with grief protection, but it should prevent cheating with minimal false positives I hope :).

    Also I made a list of users that are whitelisted so far and their TPT usernames:
  • jward212
    3rd May 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I've been on a server a while back and it had this plugin made by our very own me4502 (dev). The addon it self(craftbook) is amazing putting tekkits mechinical complexity in a vanilla minecraft server without adding a single block (to my knowledge). It uses much of minecraft's signs to create fun and complex automated production. As stated in the vid below it is fully customisable with the ablity to disable major part and/or thing you might find too OP

    Here is a vid

    Here is the link

    I much prefer small community servers so their will be a high likeliness i'll join... partly because I was premoted to mod just for sucking up to the admins... not that I expect that :P

    oh and username is jward212

    Edited 3 times by jward212. Last: 3rd May 2015
  • CeeJayBee
    3rd May 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    Could you rewhitelist AlexFour? He actually wants to use the server properly now, and I'm not testing with that acc anymore.
  • jacob1
    3rd May 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    @CeeJayBee (View Post)

    @jward212 (View Post)
    Ok you are whitelisted. Also I'm not sure about that plugin unless other people still want it. It isn't too vanilla like but I could probably turn anything off and maybe it would give us extra things to do.
  • jward212
    4th May 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    can you whitelist my brother, fatcat212.?.

    otherwise rise my people, persuade jacob to use our fellow TPT person's plugin for this server : P and watch the video to see what it can do... rise...

  • xteric
    5th May 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I wanna join! My username's the same as in TPT. BTW Jacob1 I need to clear some things up with you.

  • jacob1
    5th May 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    @xteric (View Post)
    ok, whitelisted
  • h4zardz1
    12th May 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm sorry if this kind of disallowed (Edit: and overspaced) here, but..... it teaches you how to protect your server. And funny.
    (don't be too dumb)
    (be wary about things that block the sun)
    (protect wild lands, it might be blown up)
    (make obsidian more breakable. also, desc) (Team Avoliton)
    Note for protection program: "The plugins for rollback can be easily stopped by flooding the server's memory in which the rollbacks are stored on. Massively edit an entire chunk it still counts under 1 edit. Rollbacks store the memory of blocks by how many blocks were changed in a certain amount of time. Editing a massive area block by block or setting a spam program to constantly spam commands will screw with any plugin like CoreProtect or whatever people use. Or another way to do it is force the server to constantly reload. A massive grief attack over for an extended period of time will force admins to constantly rollback and reload, after so many times the memory will be flooded. But spam command is by far the best and getting into accounts is by far the easiest thing to do because Mojang's anti-hack is so sloppy it looks like something a kid would write in a middle school computer class. With each change these plugins will have a list of previous saves, too many changes over a steady pace will create a flood in the memory. Once the memory has been flooded any attempt to rollback will result in: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space."
    Edited once by h4zardz1. Last: 12th May 2015
  • jacob1
    12th May 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    so uh ... do you want whitelist?

    I don't have a rollback plugin, I just have a backup plugin and something that restores nature. Maybe I can watch those later but I don't really expect many problems on a tpt whitelisted server. Also the server has 24GB of RAM and 1TB of hard drive space, I don't think anyone is going to overload it.
  • Jokersona
    12th May 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    so uh ... do you want whitelist?

    I don't have a rollback plugin, I just have a backup plugin and something that restores nature. Maybe I can watch those later but I don't really expect many problems on a tpt whitelisted server. Also the server has 24GB of RAM and 1TB of hard drive space, I don't think anyone is going to overload it.



    Also the stuff he is talking about... none of it would even work with any decent anticheat plugin. Actually, it'd be likely even the vanilla sanity checks would not allow it, especially in survival mode.