PS3 or XBOX 360?

  • Ark5
    26th Dec 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Neospector
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    You don't have a motion plus, do you?
    Plus, it isn't the consol's graphics most of the time. It often is the game.
    PS3=all war games, meant to be 3D, therefore good graphics in 3D type games but not in a game like Brawl.
    Wii=family games, less graphics but the games aren't normally focusing on graphics. Try playing Zelda: Twilight Princess too, that's what the Wii is meant for.
    If you're playing war games you want a Xbox, because it's easier to control then a PS3 actually, since the PS3 war games that involve the move are most likely gun games, and therefore can't handle grenades, ect. very well.
    Plus, how is it not a copy? From what you're saying they just made the camera bigger with a ball. Plus a detachable ball too. "want to play fetch?" "dude I was winning my COD match and you made me spin around in circles before teamkilling my friend!"
    Oh I'm sorry, every noob on a war game does that for every consol...hmm...except the Wii!
  • vanquish349
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    oh you mean PlayStation move that makes sence
  • andrewdavidloftus
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    PS3 ftw
    360 is slow and laggy and is so old
    PS3 has a better controller, is fast, quiet, runs Blueray, and has more memory.

    But, Microsoft is the best thing that ever happened to this world (besides TPT and myself ) and the 360 is made by Microsoft so... The 360 is still cool.

    The wii on the other hand is horrible.
    I have a wii... AND IT SUCKS.
    The graphics are bad.
    The remote has really bad sensing too.

  • navman
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Xbox 360 is good but i prefer PS3
  • Ark5
    26th Dec 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • code1949
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I prefer PS3.

    You must pay for 360 online while PC's can fluctuate depending on internet provider and computer model.
  • Phlegmkitty4427
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I think PS3 is better
  • jacobrb
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    (xbox)Disks have ~10 GB disk capacity

    no thats only the new kinect ones. my xbox360 arcade has removable hard disk drives, and goes up to 120 gb. mine came with 60 gb.

    btw, who the hell needs a blu-ray function? maybe its just me, but i wont buy blu-ray until there as cheap as DVDs.

    PS3 MOVE makes you look like a massive noob. your really just holding a Wii remote with a massive glowing nob on the end.