HeyJD You don't have a motion plus, do you? Plus, it isn't the consol's graphics most of the time. It often is the game. PS3=all war games, meant to be 3D, therefore good graphics in 3D type games but not in a game like Brawl. Wii=family games, less graphics but the games aren't normally focusing on graphics. Try playing Zelda: Twilight Princess too, that's what the Wii is meant for. If you're playing war games you want a Xbox, because it's easier to control then a PS3 actually, since the PS3 war games that involve the move are most likely gun games, and therefore can't handle grenades, ect. very well. Plus, how is it not a copy? From what you're saying they just made the camera bigger with a ball. Plus a detachable ball too. "want to play fetch?" "dude I was winning my COD match and you made me spin around in circles before teamkilling my friend!" Oh I'm sorry, every noob on a war game does that for every consol...hmm...except the Wii!
PS3 ftw 360 is slow and laggy and is so old PS3 has a better controller, is fast, quiet, runs Blueray, and has more memory.
But, Microsoft is the best thing that ever happened to this world (besides TPT and myself ) and the 360 is made by Microsoft so... The 360 is still cool.
The wii on the other hand is horrible.
I have a wii... AND IT SUCKS. The graphics are bad. The remote has really bad sensing too.