UNOFFICIAL Powder Toy Shop

  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Hmm. Maybe we will add that later. But, what really is the point? All you need is education to open a company. What else do you need?
  • andrewdavidloftus
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    This is why i included doctor:

    Lets say that somebody goes bankrupt and doesn't want to work... He could then buy an injury or some other bad thing:


    Name: Broken Leg
    Price: -100
    Description: Gives you 100 credits, but you can't buy or sell or work. You go to a hospital and you have to wait 1 hour for every 10 credits the doctors fee is.
    Seller: Natural Selection (LOL)
    Quantity: 1 per person monthly

    The doctors could get how ever many credits their fee is after the time is up. So doctor don't rack up a bunch of points, they cant have multiple healings at once.
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I see your point

    Hmm... maybe.


    I need to go. anything else that is posted will be processed the next time a Guru comes.
  • alexthesax
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Well, until Lockheedmartin gets something up and running, I'll join. If you would like I might be able to be a part-time Guru, I have school starting tommorow.
  • andrewdavidloftus
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Would u like to join my company?

    To Everyone:

    A.D.L. Inc Job Application Instructions

    The job categories r:

    1. Price Changers- change the prices of products according the changes in the economy's value
    2. Sellers- PM (so then only they and the buyers have access to it) our buyers the url of what creation they ordered
    3. Creators- make creations to sell on the market through my company. I will give you instructions as to what to make
    4. Thinkers- Think of creations for the creators to make to go on the market. I will choose which ones to
    5. Glitch Finders- Report (PM) all new glitches u find to me.
    6. General Managers- One per categories 1-5. Manage all of the employees in that category as told by me or VP
    7. Vice President- Manages the GMs

    Wages (may vary):
    Catagory 1- 2%
    Catagory 2- 2%
    Catagory 3- 50% profit of every creation they make
    Catagory 4- 1%
    Catagory 5- to be decided at a later date
    Catagory 6- 7%
    Catagory 7- 10%

    After i accept you into the company with whatever job you choose, i will give u a detailed definition of the specifics for that job.

    Accepting job category 1-5 applications now...

    P.S. I will have GMs and a VP in about 1 to 2 months
  • alexthesax
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I don't know, maybe, but for the moment, I have to actually be a member.
  • Sylvi
    4th Jan 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Role playing text game? Well in awhile you'll see my "Bank of Powder Toy" and this will be VERY similar...
  • alexthesax
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Depending on how long until your bank comes out, I may not join this one, but if yours isn't going to come out for awhile, then I will join this one.
  • Sylvi
    4th Jan 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    It will be about a month before it's up and running. So join this anyway, it keeps people busy...
  • alexthesax
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, this will be good practice

    Oh, and if you want any help, let me know.