@PizzaPlatypus Stand up for yourself. They will stop the second you go up to them. I'm in the same condition every day I'm at school. I stand my ground and if they come after me, I beat their asses down. If you can do that, they WILL stop. And yeah, everyone goes through depressing parts of life. I personally listen to disturbed when I'm feeling down. I don't know why dark songs make me feel better but, it works.
@PizzaPlatypus Grammar schools FTW! Then again, we did have these posters for a 'buns,cake,fudge, and blah sale.' See how many grammar errors you can find! =D We also decided to correct the poster, as a group before us had started the work correcting. Then a week later we saw someone else had corrected even more of it! LOL
Instead of standing up for yourself, ignore them! They will get bored and walk away! =D