@Rock-(View Post) theres only one admin, simon. i think it got removed because trying to compare these games is not possible. they are very different.
also its the internet so we can do whatever we want. no one has to follow us, development would continue even if there was no one here. It's a good project.
@Rock-, seriously TPG is a simple little toy. TPT is much more advanced. The coding is much more complex. And the devs have lives outside coding TPT. And why should they add elements on-demand? Considering they code out of their own free will, it is completely understandable that they should only consider adding elements that are drastically different from any single or combination of elements already coded, have an actual function, and are feasible without major changes to the coding system
I'm mostly pissed off because I already went into great lengths to explain why several of those notes weren't true, and then you went and copy pasta'd the whole thing back here again.
There's good reasons for why TPT is the way it is, and there's no sense in trying to compare it to Powder Game, by all rights an entirely different genre of videogame if not for the similarity of cellular automata.
Basically like, don't take this stuff so seriously. o_< please?