deadhitter3 I get where you're coming from, but seriously, it's not that hard, unless you're making special elements like SPRK or SWCH.T
The code is basically arranged in the format you're talking about, it's just in arrays. For example,
the code for dust might go like this (off of the top of my head)
Name Color Other variables: melt, burn, explode, temperature, description, etc. 1 for yes and 0 for no. {DUST, 0x202382, 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,3,4.2,1,1,1,M,22,"Dust"}
Setting the melt, freeze, and vaporize values is as easy as replacing a number.
It might look complicated, and setting everything up can be a pain, but the actual coding is very simple.
There's a nice coding setup and tutorial on the Wiki, use that.
The reason the coding language for this would still be complex is the fact that we still want it to be as versatile as possible, while still being simpler than the normal scripting language.
it can be simple, but if it is too simple it would make most of the particles made end up the same :P
I don't know how TPT does things though, so explanations aren't my thing.
The checkboxes or variable string thing could be implemented as well as a simpler way to do things, but it would be better to still have XML files or such as well so that more complex particles can be made.