Hmm, I don't know if this is supposed to be a feature, but:
If you use ELEC on DEUT, it'll get smaller and colder. If you apply heat to DEUT, it becomes bigger and darker.
Now, if you have a ball of DEUT hanging in the air with Newtonian Gravity (so that ELEC bends too) and put NBLE on top of it, then apply ELEC, the ball will just get bigger. It generates "new DEUT" even though only thing that is happening is that the ELEC is making NBLE heat the DEUT at the same time ELEC is "cooling" it.
EDIT: Also, IRL, Photons don't have "antipartners" so they shouldn't annihilate with Antimatter. But then Protons should annihilate with Antimatter, but now they just pass through.
I meant that if you have a Newtonian Gravity well, put a good mediumsized ball of DEUT on it, then scatter some NBLE on the surface. Then release a fair amount of ELEC as a constant stream. Now you should see ELEC hitting the NBLE thats turning into PLSM, and the PLSM is heating the DEUT, causing it to expand. The PLSM will expose a part of the DEUT ball because its expanding and the way PLSM generates air pressure. Now that ELEC is hitting DEUT, it'll try to "cool" it. But now that PLSM is heating it up, it doesn't shrink or expand, the "life" value (which is believe is used to track the density of DEUT) just increases, and if you now put TEMP to 22C (or whatever TEMP the DEUT originally was) you'll see that there is way more DEUT now than there was in the beginning.
Yes, it is quite hard to explain.
Also, as a soon-to-be university student pretty well versed in physics, I would also like to propose the following formula for the antimatter annihilation: (heat/velocity)Energy of AMTR + Energy of particle X = Energy of 2 photons it releases. That way it'd be more realistic, but I do understand if that'd lag TPT too much.