It appears your mod was deleted from the wiki page, so its hard for people to find good documentation on it.
Edit: Soil also doesn't do anything to plnt, or vine. I tried to combine the two in many ways.
Edit2: Now its broken, i've redled it, got rid of the releases%2F in front of the name of each file, and i just get a black powder toy screen when I first start it, shortly followed by "Powdertoy.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close ,would you like to report this error blahblahblahblahblah"
RELEASE: CPT1 - Takes SPRK from METL while OFF - Releases SPRK to INWR while ON - PTCT Turns on, NTCT Turns off. CPT2 - Takes SPRK from METL - Releases when FULL, SPRK Capacity controlled by Heat (Similar to WIFI). See TMP value for capacity. SDUT - Solid DEUT, requested by Mortvert. GDUT - Gaseous DEUT, requested by Mortvert.
@vcordie Really? I'll get it back up shortly. Soil has no effect on PLNT or VINE, but reacts with WATR to create PLNT. I'll look in to the error your getting as well.