TPT Snapshots / Betas

  • jacob1
    29th May 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    What settings do you use? The game is faster for me. I didn't mention it in the changelog but double scale mode is a little faster now.

    The settings that are important to know are scale, resizable window, and the fullscreen options.

    Are you comparing an empty screen? Or something else

    @NoVIcE (View Post)
    Yeah scrolling comments is a known bug, i'll fix it soon. Togging resizable window may have a few issues, it was kind of "experimental". I didn't realize it was so easy to make it go offcentered, the previous way I found involved scale mode. Apparently just maximizing tpt and unchecking resize makes it go offcentered too.
    You can always restart tpt, any off-centeredness will go away.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 29th May 2018
  • Cracker1000
    29th May 2018 Member 1 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    Same setting as before nothing changed.
    I am comparing empty screen.
  • jacob2
    29th May 2018 Member 1 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    Some of those settings didn't exist before. I need to know what scale mode you are using, and whether you are using fullscreen. Also what version of Windows?

    Also what kind of fps difference are you seeing?

    For me it went from ~160 to ~175
    Edited once by jacob2. Last: 29th May 2018
  • Cracker1000
    29th May 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)
    Lagging both with and without fullscreen.
    The uncapped fps was 120 with empty screen in snp 135.
    The fps is 32-34 with empty screen in snp 136.
    Windows xp sp3.
    Should i also try it with a windows 7 os machine?

    Edited 3 times by cracker1000. Last: 30th May 2018
  • jacob2
    29th May 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    If you can test it there, sure. It shouldn't be slowing down that much. If it's just windows xp / really old computers that have this issue then it's not a big deal
  • Cracker1000
    29th May 2018 Member 1 Permalink
    @jacob2 (View Post)
    Alright i tested it with windows 7 machine and here are the results,
    With snp 135, empty screen,Fps:490.scale1
    With snp136,empty screen,Fps:290.scale1
    So this confirms its not windows xp specific.
    Also specs for 2nd machine
    Windows 7 & 4 gb ram.
    Edited 2 times by cracker1000. Last: 30th May 2018
  • PangeaUltima
    30th May 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    I have 8 gb ram, and my fps is lower.

  • Cracker1000
    31st May 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     Found some more bugs in snapshot 138

    The local saves browser displayes save names as save/save name and not directly the name of the save.This is also making it unable to search any local save.No matter which name you search the results are always the same.

    The mouse continously flickers in full screen mode.


    In relation to that lag:

    Ok if the change resolution setting is checked the fps is drastically improved when in full screen mode however with the change resolution checked and fullscreen mode off the fps drops back.

    Also the full screen mode now cuts the elementse menu from sides.

    Hope it helps

    Edited 8 times by cracker1000. Last: 31st May 2018
  • jacob1
    1st Jun 2018 Developer 1 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    Hmm ... I just tested it on Windows 10, and I couldn't reproduce the lag. Single scale mode is slower though, which I mostly knew before.

    Version 93.3, I get ~550fps on an empty screen in single scale mode, and ~140fps in double scale mode
    Snapshot 138 I get ~450fps in single scale mode and ~400fps in double scale mode

    Also my Windows 8.1 VM:
    Version 93.3: ~82fps double scale, ~360fps single scale mode
    Snapshot 138: ~85fps double scale mode, ~210fps single scale
    Tested destroyable city 5, while unpaused it was 2-3fps slower in the snapshot in single scale mode, and around 2-3fps higher in double scale mode

    Major double scale mode fps increase (as expected), and minor single scale mode decrease. I have a feeling SDL2 is trying to use some more modern graphics feature that your windows xp machine doesn't support, so has to fall back to a really slow method. I think sdl might use opengl for some things, so perhaps your graphics drivers just don't support what it is using.

    Another note, "Change Resolution" basically goes back to the old fullscreen. It only affects fullscreen mode, I added it there in case people had problems with the new fullscreen. Does the new fullscreen cut off the menus? It definitely shouldn't do that, weird.
    Edited 2 times by jacob1. Last: 1st Jun 2018
  • EasyYT
    1st Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacob1: spam