Official Game Feedback

  • KydonShadow
    5th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    What's with all the random post likes?

  • zBuilder
    5th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    what does "Less overpowered QRTZ in bunkers" mean?

  • jacob1
    5th Aug 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    @zBuilder (View Post)
    When QRTZ grows it will get the temperature of the QRTZ it grew from, and moving PQRT won't grow. Both of these just make QRTZ bunkers harder to destroy.

    @Protcom (View Post)
    Sounds like a bug, i'll look into it. Edit: well, it'd due to some lag prevention, if I fix it then smudge tool will become laggier again, which might be ok ...
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 5th Aug 2014
  • zBuilder
    5th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    @jacksonmj Colouring the energy particle should probably affect the glow, in my opinion, as you are -technically- colouring the particle, after all...


    the glow is set seperately,rather than copying the particles's color

  • RCAProduction
    5th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink



    Don't you think you're overreacting just a tiny



    Not at all!!! As greymatter said, it will ruin hundreds of saves!! All I ever hear about is how we can't change this, can't change that, bla bla bla because it will RUIN SAVES. Now here you are saying it's totally a great idea to do something for no real reason, regardless of the fact that it completely destroys HUNDREDS of saves!!! Many of which have extremely high vote counts, and are on the FP quite often!!! What is wrong with y'all??


    EDIT: In addition, I think the glow should stay separate. That way you can have a green sign with a red glow (For example). Afterall, it's not exactly like TPT is meant to be realistic is it? If you want realistic, make a mod and use that.

    Edited once by RCAProduction. Last: 5th Aug 2014
  • jacob1
    5th Aug 2014 Developer 2 Permalink
    @RCAProduction (View Post)
    Calm down, you don't make any sense and i'm sure jacksonmj will figure something out.
  • Cacophony
    5th Aug 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @RCAProduction (View Post)

    Yeah calm down.You'll get unreasonable and might cause some flame wars. It's just a (beta?) game feature,not a nuclear reactor addition.They seem to have got it the first time,and saying "What is wrong with y'all?" won't help.Besides,he said it was confusing to have 2 colors for a photon, and since it didn't do anything much and was apparently just used for small things like logos,he removed it.

  • RCAProduction
    5th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    *Calms down*


    Please just leave deco for PHOT in the release.

  • jacksonmj
    5th Aug 2014 Developer 2 Permalink

    My main compatibility concern is behaviour of particles (how they interact), not appearance of particles. Mostly, I don't consider changes a problem if they only affect appearance, or if they prevent things which should never have been possible in the first place.


    However, in v90.1 deco colour will affect PHOT as it does in previous versions, when opening old saves only. If you create or update a save using v90 or later, you will need to change the PHOT into something else such as ELEC or PROT for deco to be visible.



    I'll work on making deco colour affect glow colour for all glowy elements. (I don't think having different colours for glow and particle is useful, since for most elements the glow colour cannot be changed. And I do not intend to add a separate deco colour for glow...)

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 5th Aug 2014
  • techno156
    6th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink



    @jacksonmj Colouring the energy particle should probably affect the glow, in my opinion, as you are -technically- colouring the particle, after all...


    the glow is set seperately,rather than copying the particles's color

     Yep, but I meant logically... :p

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