Alright I'm extremely new to this, so my first question is as follows:
1: How might I write multi-line script and run it? Can this be done in-game? Can this be done outside of the game?
dofile("file.txt")to execute scripts that are saved to your hard drive.
1:So... I write a .txt file with the lua script in it? I don't have to use notepad++ or anything?
2:Can multiple 'and' statements be in one line?
(ex. : if mousex > 180 and mousex < 187 and mousey > 120)
Quick question, how do you make something non-flammable? I know it's probably obvious. A one line command, but I'm new to this :/
Great! thanks :)
3: I'm having trouble with a script of mine :/
tpt.register_step (
"if mousex>188 and mousex<124 and mousey<121 and mousey>109 then
(tpt.drawtext (188, 109, "testing")
It's giving me and error saying "unfinished string"