Yeah, but if we could just expand the window, no one would endevour to make every as small as they can.
Got plenty of room left atm though. Should be enough for those extra bitwise functions.
I finally found and fixed the problem that was preventing your program from working properly!!
Haha I have no idea. It's the easiest thing to make currently. I want to make a guessing game like mark22's. However I can't understand why his is so slow... How long can it take to shift your upper and lower bounds and guess the number in the middle? I can think of a way without even using division. It's 2:00am at the moment, but I intend to add some things tomorrow (IF A!=B, A > B, A < B). I am thinking up a way to include subraction without having to make a massive slow modified addition ripple carry adder.
Today I basically just fixed some bugs (I think I have found 99.9999% of them now).
What operations will be the most crucial/useful for that?
Also I was considering making a seperate save with 100x25-bit RAM.
I could then make a sort of user friendly program compiler that would store the instructions in RAM. I imagine there is a command to convert BRAY to INWR. When it's done you can just copy/paste into the processor in the seperate save.
Ah. It looks like I broke something when I added user input.
I've updated it, but I'm not sure I've fixed it (I haven't tested it yet).
Go the UM32 way of subtraction, and just add a universal logic NAND gate.
subtraction is simply:
a = 5
a = a NAND a
a = a+2
a = a NAND a
now a is 3.
You could just add a NOT gate, but you could also remove all the logic gates but NAND (the fun way :P). It should be as simple as negating the output bits of the AND gate.