Powder Toy Technology

  • Made2Shred
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    sounds well planned out
  • HeyJD
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    High Executive:Massey101 or Devast8a
    Second Executive:Massey101 or Devast8a
    Wiki Tutorial Representatives: Catelite and someone else
  • massey101
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Heyjd I would appreciate if you left the decision making up to me :P
  • lucasspencer123
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i can do the ports director job ive made usb disk drive i can make a vga maybe an hdmi or esata
  • Candunc
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Can I maybe Develop and accept new creations from other people, like the quality control?
  • lucasspencer123
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    im sorry for the bad grammer i use and also the post its been locked
  • bchandark
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I'd like to be a wiki representative please.
  • Cr15py
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    We need teams. First of all we should create a team, initially quite large, to manage the wiki(approve creations for listing, keep member list up to date, approve/write/manage/edit tutorials), etc. Later this team will be trimmed down when things settle out. I suggest you also do not limit size of the organization, and that you add in a position such as PTT Newcomer/PTT Private/PTT Beginner or something along those lines, not limited to size for those who appear to be promising but are not yet knowledgeable.
  • kamikai
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I want to apply! may i have wiki position? I am a moderator on it already and occasionally write/edit things on it.

  • massey101
    18th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Sorry Candunc I was going to leave quality control up to the executives.

    Also I do not think we need more than two wiki editors and one port director. The reason that I made just one rank was I wanted people to be equal within the orginisation. The number of positions is not fixed and can change it may not always be 15 depending how much I am willing to take on organising it.

    I didn't put it into ranks because as I mentioned it is a fun organization and not a serious test of how good you are. It should be noted that ports director is not meant to make ports but if you want to you can submit port requests to yourself. If you want to make ports I would suggest being a developer so you can get a hands on feeling for what they should be.

    EDIT: kamikai
    Wow did you make that counter yourself. I love it its so robust, with quality like that are you sure you want to be a wiki developer?

    Also I think I will change Tutorial Wiki Representative to just Wiki Representative, they will still make tutorials however the name is better